About Us
Big Board Films is a studio run by the Bomar Brothers. We are based out of ATX and ATL. We specialize in producing indie films that explore the formulation of the self, consciousness, and realities. Our body of work has been featured in festivals around the world.
Feel free to browse the website and check out the pages for our most recent films. The pages contain film trailers, behind the scenes interviews and marketing content, blog articles, and directions to watch the films. For advance access to unreleased works and updates from the studio, subscribe to our mailing list on the watch now page.
Who are the Bomar Brothers?
We are Grant & Dean Lee Bomar, up and coming independent filmmakers, 19 & 21 years old. Our films have won over a dozen awards and screened across the globe. We have been featured in festivals in NYC, ATL, LA, ATX, and many more major film cities.
Oscar Qualified with our film American Gothic, being in consideration for the 51st Student Academy Awards.
Directors of the improv troupe “Montage Pythons”
National chess champions
If you aren’t already please follow us @thebomarbrothers and @bigboardfilms on insta, subscribe to the bigboardfilms channel on YT, and log any films of ours that you have seen on Letterboxd!
BTS Gallery
Michael Granberry
I love your actors and use of so many locations, holy smokes, and you really have some impressive visual effects going on as well! You guys are the real deal!
Wilbur Fitzgerald
I’ve been around long enough to recognize the confidence which goes along with emerging creative brilliance. Grant will continue to capture lightning in a bottle for many years to come.
Caitlin McPhail
I believe one of Grant's strengths is establishing a vision and making it happen 200%. If he has an idea and a passion to do something, it will get done, and more importantly, done well.